Did you receive a speech therapy session update? The SLP’s have started filling out quick and simple speech therapy notes for parents and caregivers to take home that explains what was targeted during a session. The note is comprised of 4 sections:
1. “Today we practiced”: this section will tell you what area of speech and language was targeted whether it be a certain sound, language task, or social skill (e.g. following directions, using descriptions, producing ‘th’ sound, etc.)
2. “Today I”: this section will tell you about your child’s participation during the session (e.g. good listener, distracted, trouble listening, etc.)
3. “After we finished working, we had fun”: this section will tell you about any rewards that were given to your child for working hard on their speech goals.
4. “Notes” is where your child's therapist will write any additional information, types of cuing, etc.
Feel free to hang these on your fridge to reference during the week or share with other’s in your child’s life. This can serve as a way to practice homework or remind you of your child’s speech or language goals!

Using a human professional transcribing is the most reliable approach to receive the transcripts you require. With their 100% accurate human transcriptionists, Speechpad can speedily transcribe earnings calls of any duration. Even if you don't double-check the transcripts, which is something you might want to do, the work will still be accurate.